maybe thats a little dramatic but I have seen Vista in the home…and its not too bad. In fact, I confess, I was captivated. Like the other Microsoft minions I was all  ready to cast a sceptical but somwhat approving eye on Vista. What I saw bought me back to earth and garnered a genuine appreciation for what Microsofts new OS has to offer. I only saw a relativley brief demo and we focused on the media features but I did see enough of the general screens and functionality to formulate an opinion.


Vista Desktop

You know those commercials with the two guys, one the MAC and one the PC? You see how the MAC guy is all hip and so “now”, the PC guy is sort of stodgy and frumpy. Well they just sent the PC guy to get a total makeover. He is still a PC but wow, they have really improved him. He is wearing new, hip, clothes and he buffed up and got a new haircut. Cooler to hang out with even though he is STILL a pc. I think that, on the surface, is where Vista takes us. For average users that is fine, more importantly for power users I think the changes in VISTA below the skin will make the computing experience more complete by allowing us to tailor the experience to our own needs.
Next I will take the plunge and install Vista on my laptop, I look forward to sharing that experience.Â